Individual Intensive Packages


 << || The Journey to Wellness Begins with You Both || >>

What are Individual Trauma Intensives?

Embracing my Enneagram 926 Trifix & earthy Taurus energy means I go slow and low when working towards understanding more about the implicitly held beliefs your internal system is holding. 

The inspiration to create an Individual Intensives Package is based on my own needs as a depth worker and the benefits I have witnessed in spending more time and allowing space for this Inner work to be experienced deeply over a 2 -hour period of time.

During our time together we follow a mutually agreed-upon plan to support your health and wellbeing.   We always identify where you wish to go and remain focused on this plan throughout our time together.

Depending on your needs, this may look like 2-hour Stewardship intensives occurring weekly, every 2-3 weeks or monthly. I do not dictate frequency, but encourage you to consider your own time and budget needs. 

Purchasing your care in a package creates security in our co-created relationship and commitment to doing this work, which reduces your costs over time.

These Individual Intensives are for you if:

  • You have tried traditional 45 min. psychotherapy sessions and are seeking more depth and time to explore your Self

  • You’ve transitioned through difficult times and the scarring has gotten in your way

  • You are experiencing a lack of clarity about your purpose, Self-worth and direction in life

  • You’re trying to create a new legacy for yourself and those coming after you

  • You believe that shifting and changing personally creates the deeper collective change the world is desperate to receive

  • You wonder what the intersection of Science and Soul could mean to you in your life

  • You wish to Return Home to loving yourself and relating more openly and freely with those around you

  • You’re seeking to incorporate spiritual practices to surf the ever-changing flow of life

  • You’re seeking peace, calm and safety

  • You wish to integrate the wounds of the past into medicine to take you into the future.

If you are unsure where to begin or feel too overwhelmed in life to make decisions…

I get that. And I am here to understand, listen and help guide you to better stability.

Let’s hop on a call and I can break this information down 1-on-1 with you.

  • “My EMDR (resourcing) session with Suzanne Fisher was life changing. I met with her when I was at a crossroads in my life and was overwhelmed by all of the choices I needed to make. Suzanne enabled me to actually visualize a life that was realistic and within reach. Suzanne really listens. She is able to ask all of the important questions and then helped me come to conclusions I never could have reached on my own…”


  • "The experience of working through my traumas with Suzanne and her science based practices has been gently honest, healing and has and not only returned me to me, but also allowed me to continue to rise. "


Client Investment || >>

Package Pricing || >>



(5) 2-hr Individual Intensive Sessions:

In these body-mind focused intensives, we will work together to identify and access internal resources for the journey ahead.  This package includes experiential practices such as EMDR, IFS & Trauma-informed yoga techinques/practices to heal the somatic wounds carried by implicitly held beliefs of defectiveness and powerlessness.

Still have questions? Don’t hold back!